
Human Melanoma, IF Stained (FFPE)

Spatial Gene Expression Dataset by Space Ranger 2.0.0

10x Genomics obtained FFPE Human Melanoma tissue blocks from Avaden Biosciences. The tissue was sectioned as described in Visium CytAssist Spatial Gene Expression for FFPE – Tissue Preparation Guide Demonstrated Protocol (CG000518). Tissue sections of 5 µm was placed on a standard glass slide, deparaffinized followed by immunofluorescence (IF) staining. Sections were coverslipped with 85% glycerol, imaged, decoverslipped, followed by dehydration & decrosslinking Demonstrated Protocol (CG000519). The glass slide with tissue section was processed via Visium CytAssist instrument to transfer analytes to a Visium CytAssist Spatial Gene Expression slide. The probe extension and library construction steps follow the standard Visium for FFPE workflow outside of the instrument.

  • Diagnosis: Skin, Malignant Melanoma

Antibodies used for immunofluorescence (IF) staining:

  • Channel 1 = 1:200 DAPI (Thermo Fisher, Cat. No. 62248)
  • Channel 2 = 1:100 Vimentin, 488 nm, (Biolegend Cat. No. 677809)
  • Channel 3 = 1:100 PCNA, 594 nm, (Biolegend, Cat. No. 307914)
  • Channel 4 = 1:100 CD8a, 647 nm, (Biolegend, Cat. No. 372906)
  • Blocking buffer: 1X Blocking Buffer (10x Genomics Cat. No. 2000554); 2 U/uL Roche Protector RNase Inhibitor

The IF  image was acquired using Olympus VS200 Slide Scanning Microscope with these settings:

  • Olympus Objective magnification: 20x UPLXAPO Objective
  • Numerical Aperture: 0.8
  • ScopeLED light source: Xcite Novum
  • Camera: Hamamatsu ORCA-Fusion
  • Exposure: 2.5 ms (DAPI), 300 ms (ATTO488), 150 ms (ATTO590), 500 ms (ATTO647) 

Libraries were prepared following the Visium CytAssist Spatial Gene Expression Reagent Kits for FFPE User Guide (CG000495).

  • Sequencing instrument: Illumina NovaSeq, flow cell HNNNMDSX3 (lane 1-4)
  • Sequencing depth: 55,952 reads per spot
  • Sequencing configuration: 28bp read 1 (16bp Visium spatial barcode, 12bp UMI), 90bp read 2 (transcript), 10bp i7 sample barcode and 10bp i5 sample barcode
  • Dual-Index set: SI-TS-C1
  • Slide: V42A20-355
  • Area: A1

Key metrics were:

  • Spots detected under tissue: 3,458
  • Median genes per spot: 7,598
  • Median UMI counts per spot: 27,894

Published on July 12th, 2022

This dataset is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license.

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Input FilesSizemd5sum
FASTQs15.9 GB39968b4e14b660668311f820ae4e21d1
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Microscope image without fiducial frame (TIFF)4.43 GBe02f3f0143d1fbb7bbc88ba6aa226bb6
Output Files Format detailsSizemd5sum
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Feature / barcode matrix (filtered)74.1 MB90a157c8ebc69d93feee165d9f05e723
Feature / barcode matrix HDF5 (raw)32.5 MBff2648ee0c96f6b80c73ac4f84ad6e76
Feature / barcode matrix (raw)87.7 MB859b9cde6c772d0d052d95dc558d9a14
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