Expansion of cytotoxic CD4+ T cells in supercentenarians revealed by single cell transcriptomics
What underlies an exceptionally long life span? Researchers at Keio University School of Medicine (Tokyo, Japan) studied immune systems in supercentenarians—individuals at least 110 years of age—to find clues to their incredibly long health spans. Using single cell analysis, they found that expansion of cytotoxic T cells, particularly the usually rare CD4+ cytotoxic T cells, may confer protection against cancer and viral infection.
What underlies an exceptionally long life span? Researchers at Keio University School of Medicine (Tokyo, Japan) studied immune systems in supercentenarians—individuals at least 110 years of age—to find clues to their incredibly long health spans. Using single cell analysis, they found that expansion of cytotoxic T cells, particularly the usually rare CD4+ cytotoxic T cells, may confer protection against cancer and viral infection.